An LDraw™ editor for LEGO® style digital building instructions.
LPub3D is an Open Source WYSIWYG editing application for creating LEGO® style digital building instructions.
LPub3D output include instruction document, document pages, part list and export content.
Portable Document Format instruction document | ||
PNG | Portable Network Graphics images, instruction document pages and POV-Ray rendered images | |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group instruction document pages | |
BMP | Bitmap instruction document pages | |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language sortable graphic part list with element ID and online part lookup | |
BrickLink XML | Extensible Markup Language BrickLink part list | |
CSV | Comma-Separated Values plain text part list | |
POV | Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer (POV-Ray) photo-realistic scene files | |
OBJ | Wavefront Object files | |
STL | Stereolithography object files | |
3DS | Autodesk 3DStudio Max object files | |
DAE | COLLAborative Design Activity object files |
LPub3D uses the LDraw standard and LEGO® Geometrical Equivalent Objects (LGEO) photo-realistic part libraries and reads the LDraw DAT, LDR and MPD model file formats. The LDraw libraries are not required to be preinstalled. Archive (.zip) library files for both official and unofficial LDraw parts are bundled with LPub3D. Follow the linked image below to acquire the LGEO photo-realistic part library.
LDraw | LDraw™ parts is an open standard library that allow users to create virtual models and scenes. Three LDraw part libraries are bundled with LPub3D. LDraw™ official and unofficial LEGO® part library. TENTE® unofficial LDraw part library created by José Alfonso Solera (Jasolo). VEX IQ® unofficial LDraw library created by Philippe Hurbain (Philo). LSynth bendable parts synthesis elements created by Kevin Clague and updated by Don Heyse (deeice). |
LGEO | POV-Ray photo-realistic part library created by Lutz Uhlmann (El Lutzo), updated by Owen Burgoyne (C3POwen) and extended with STL object files by Damien Roux (Darats). |
LPub3D Blender integration uses the LPub3D Blender LDraw Addon which imports LDraw™ models into Blender, exports models from Blender and renders imported models using the full range of Blender capabilities. LPub3D also provides “native” 3DViewer, POV scene file generation, including POV-Ray PNG image rendering using integrated modules based on LeoCAD and LDView. Additionally, LDView, LDGLite and POV-Ray 3rd-party stand-alone LDraw model renderers are bundled in each LPub3D distribution. All stand-alone renderers are console applications custom adapted to LPub3D for tight integration, optimum configurability and robust performance.
LeoCAD | LPub3D “native” renderer and 3D Viewer - performant, “true fade” rendering | |
Blender | Best in class, 3D computer graphics toolset for high quality photo-realistic renderings | |
LDGLite | fast image rendering ideal for proofing | |
LDView | high quality rendering plus POV scene file generation | |
ray tracing renderer - photo-realistic, feature rich rendering |
LPub3D runs on Debian, Red Hat and Arch derived Linux distros, macOS and Windows Operating Systems. LPub3D is also available as a Linux ‘no-install’, multi-platform AppImage and Snap or Flatpak ‘sandbox’ deployment. Builds are available for both x86 instruction set (32-bit and 64-bit) and Advanced RISC Machines (ARM) micorprocessors.
GitHub Releases - Linux, macOS and Windows Distributions | |
Sourceforge Releases - Linux, macOS and Windows Distributions | |
Open Build Service Releases - Linux distributions |
The following steps are using LPub3D Windows release hosted on GitHub. These steps can be applied to any LPub3D release where a GPG signature file is available.
$WebClient = [System.Net.WebClient]::new()
$PkgUrl = 'https://github.com/trevorsandy/lpub3d/releases/download/continuous/LPub3D-'
$PublishedHash = '0230078B2BF2F6DAAD0E624C72CAC181162C47645E54A237AE40590567B70085FF2F96130F53827852C93A61DF68754962368851312AE9F81597A7FDCB32C483'
$FileHash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA512 -InputStream ($WebClient.OpenRead($PkgUrl))
$FileHash.Hash -eq $PublishedHash
The following steps are using LPub3D AppImage release hosted on GitHub. These steps can be applied to any LPub3D release where a GPG signature file is available.
which gpg
gpg --import pubring.auto
sha512sum -c LPub3D-
gpg --verify LPub3D-
LPub3D is available for free under the GNU Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3). |
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this application.
TENTE® is a construction game owned by Educa-Borrás SA which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this application.
VEX IQ® is a trademarks or service mark of Innovation First International, Inc, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this application.
3rd-party tutorials:
Portions of LPub3D are based on LPUB© 2007-2009 Kevin Clague, LeoCAD© 2024 Leonardo Zide, LDView© 2024 Travis Cobbs & Peter Bartfai and additional third party components. See Credits for full details on contributing content.
Copyright (c) 2015 - 2025 by Trevor SANDY